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Writer's pictureHelen Field

Brentwood Rule Breakers!

Firstly, I've already had a whole bunch of pre-orders and some lovely reviews on Goodreads and Amazon - great news before my debut novel The Mystery Shopper & The Hot Tub is officialy launched on 22nd January! Watch this space for promotional events coming up soon!

Secondly, news today tells us that mass raves in Brentwood in Essex were broken up by police for breaking coronavirus rules.

I would like to say that Brooke and Dean would have initially thought about joining in -'good on ya' but then after thinking about it would not have been involved. They would realise that ultimately they are not rule breakers and they would have taken the moral high ground and taken a mildly superior attitude to their fellow Brentwoodians for not sticking by the rules. Lots of tutting, eye rolling and head shaking would ensue.

When this whole damn thing is over and we've all been vaccinated to within an inch of our lives, Brooke would be holding the mother of all parties to celebrate!

Me too - roll on Spring 2021!

Happy New Year to you all.

If anyone would like to ask any questions or talk to me about the book - or anything else come to that, please do use the contact form on the website to get in touch!

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